Both race walking events are endurance events and usually contested on a road course. Race walk requires a complex physical motion involving the feet, legs, hips, back and arms. A primary rule of race walking is that at no time can both feet be in the air at the same time. Judges watch for this running motion and disqualify athletes who accidentally allow one foot to leave the ground before the other has landed.
This event requires exceptional endurance and cardiovascular ability, not only for the competitions, but also for the training involved to be successful in this event. Long Jump. Who can jump the farthest? That is what the Long Jump boils down to. Jumpers start at one end of the runway and take a flying leap in to a pit of sand. A board, 20 cm wide, near the end of the runway, marks the take off point and the distance jumped is measured from the end of the board to the spot where the athlete first breaks the sand.
If any part of the jumper's feet goes beyond the board during takeoff, the jump is ruled a foul and will not be measured or counted. This event requires exceptional abdominal strength as the jumper must use the momentum from her run-up to make three separate jumps before landing in the sand pit. The jumper first takes off and lands with the same foot the hop phase , takes off again from that same foot and lands on the opposite foot skip phase , and then takes off from that landing foot to leap into the sand.
Maintaining correct body position and alignment in the air during the three phases is a crucial component to completing a lengthy jump. Who can jump the highest? Well, the highest, without a pole. That is the point of the high jump. High jumpers run a curved approach, then, at a precise spot, translate that forward motion in to vertical motion as they drive their arms, shoulders, hips and opposite leg in to the air to get as much height as possible. They lay first their head, then shoulders, back, hips and legs over the bar.
Having impeccable technique to put all of these steps together is crucial, but being naturally long and lean is a big plus as well. Athletes have three misses at each height before being eliminated from the competition. Whoever clears the highest bar wins, although ties are frequent in the HJ. Athletes sprint down the runway carrying a long pole. At the end of the runway they plant the pole in to a box, bend the pole down and catapult themselves over the bar.
An event not suited to those with a fear of flying, but those with a background in gymnastics have done well transitioning to the vault. The same rules as the high jump apply: each athlete has three attempts to successfully clear a height in order to remain in the competition.
The name of the game in all of the throwing events is distance. The farthest throw wins. Amongst the throwing events the other similarities that they share is: 1 the athlete' s feet must remain within a designated area to launch the throw; and 2 the implement must land within a designated area, the sector, to be considered a fair throw that will be measured.
Discus Throw. The discus requires ballet-like footwork as the athlete rotates through a series of spins to build momentum to hurl the discus nearly the entire length of the track. The disc is thrown out of a high-sided steel mesh cage that protects bystanders from errant throws. In the cage is a circle that designates the throwing area. Stepping out of the circle during a throw constitutes a foul and the throw will not be measured.
Each competitor is allowed three initial throws with the longest distance determining her place in the standings. After the first three throws the competition can be narrowed to allow only a set number of the top placers in the standings to take an additional three throws to determine the final order of finish. The Hammer shares many similarities with the discus including the cage, the circle and the spinning approach to the throw.
The major difference is that the implement being thrown is a steel ball on the end of a wire. Distances achieved are also similar to that of the discus. The javelin is a long, spear-like implement with a sharp tip on the end. The barrier heights for men are 0. Relays: Four runners make up a relay team. Each runner must hand off the baton to the next runner within a certain zone, usually marked visibly on the track.
Failure to pass the baton properly, or losing the baton may result in disqualification. Indoors vs Outdoors Tracks: Indoor track competitions are generally more limited compared to outdoor track competitions due to space limitations; indoor tracks are m long, with four to six lanes while outdoor tracks are m with eight lanes.
Indoor tracks are unique as they can have banked turns and this banking is useful for athletes who usually compete on a flat track. To receive the latest updates on the happenings in the Singapore sports scene, or to find out more about some of the latest programmes on offer at ActiveSG, like our Facebook page here. Are you a youth interested in athletics? Or perhaps a parent with young children with a capacity and talent for running? It is the ideal platform to fulfil athletic potential through courses, clinics and championships.
Beyond inculcating sporting values, the training also focuses on developing character and inculcate life values such as integrity, perseverance and teamwork. Training not just to be a better athlete, but a better individual. So whether at an entry level or embarking on a pathway to excel in it, the ActiveSG Athletics Club is your first choice! What are track events in athletics? Share Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Email.
List of sprint events: 60m m m m Famous sprinters and World Records Usain Bolt, world record holder in the m 9. The last meters is especially exciting to watch. There is no meter event or mile event in the Olympics. Why is that? Sometimes classified as a long distance event, this is where 7. Runners of the standard course face a total of 7 water jumps and 28 hurdling jumps. The obstacles are 36 inches high for the men and 30 inches for the women. The water jump is a barrier followed by a pit of water 12 feet long.
At its deepest point, the slope goes down to a depth of mm 28 inches. The modern obstacles originated as open ditches and fences at a cross-country race. This is In road running events where the distance is measured in kilometers it is called a 5k. Interestingly there was an event at the ancient Olympic Games of this distance. This is 25 laps around the track 6. A lot of marathon greats, like Frank Shorter , started out at the 10, meters. The original marathon distance was Traditionally the final event in the Olympics, the first organized marathon on April 10, took place in Athens and won by a Greek named Spiridon Louis , a Greek postal worker, who crossed the finish line a full seven minutes ahead of the pack.
His time was 2 hours, 58 minutes, 50 seconds for the 40 kilometer distance, beating the other 16 participants. For the next few Olympics, the length of the marathon remained close to 25 miles, but at the Games in London the course was extended, allegedly to accommodate the British royal family.
As the story goes, Queen Alexandra requested that the race start on the lawn of Windsor Castle so the littlest royals could watch from the window of their nursery, according to some accounts and finish in front of the royal box at the Olympic stadium—a distance that happened to be The random boost in mileage ending up sticking, and in the length for a marathon was formally standardized at