Not to mention the thousands of men, women, and children butchered by her officers and troops in Ireland. Henry VII himself lived well and spent freely, though little remains to show this beyond the account books which he audited so closely. His fantasy palaces at Greenwich and Richmond, which set the scene for so many crucial events of Tudor history from the birth of Henry VIII in to the death of Elizabeth in , have long since crumbled away, surviving only in sketches.
Much of his legacy was too Catholic to survive the English Reformation implemented by his descendants. The gilded statues of himself which he left to several English shrines were melted down by his son, and the brilliant stained glass in his chapel at the back of Westminster Abbey was smashed by iconoclasts.
In one important respect, however, the Tudor image does belie the Tudor reality. But what we get is not entirely what we see. The image is splendour and finery. The reality, all too often, was suspicion and fear. The dynasty began and ended in uncertainty and insecurity. Henry VII was a usurper, a small-time adventurer who got lucky.
After clutching the crown in he spent the rest of his reign clinging to it anxiously, worried that some other adventurer would get lucky as he had done. In order to gain his divorce, Henry had to establish the Church of England and end Catholicism.
Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard were executed for treason. He died in Edward VI came to the throne at the age of 9 years. Edward died at the age of 15 in Mary was a Catholic and had sworn to return England to Catholicism. Queen Jane reigned for just 9 days before Mary successfully took the throne. Fought off the Spanish Armada.
Click here to read more about Elizabeth I. House of York Stuarts. You may not redistribute, sell or place the content of this page on any other website or blog without written permission from the Mandy Barrow. Mandy is the creator of the Woodlands Resources section of the Woodlands Junior website. The two websites projectbritain. She now teaches computers at The Granville School and St. John's Primary School in Sevenoaks Kent.
Woodlands Junior Homework Help new website. What's happening this month? Cookie Policy. Henry VII kept England peaceful and brought riches to the crown and country. He founded some Grammar Schools. Click here to read more about Edward VI After Edward's death there was a dispute over the succession.